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통번역 7주. 8월 5일. tone and audience awareness. 톤. 목소리 톤의 중요성. 톤과 청중의 감정 관계. 할라푸드. LGBT.

by 재치왕훈이 2015. 8. 12.

* week 7. 8월 5일. 

* 수업내용

1. essay 결과물

Make Money by Stock Investment.



  Money is very important in life. I get a job in a small business after university graduation. Because my income is very small.  I begin to think which change my income from small to big.


 “1,000,000 won make a 10,000,000 won in recent months!”,

 “Price-earnings ratio is 300%!”,

 “Do you wanna be rich? The best way is to start it!”


  TV, newspaper, internet, various medias said that.  Finally I start to the stock investment from March, 2014. To date, I never lost my money. I guess I'm a lucky guy. I earned money that size the opportunity.

  What's the opportunities? How to size the opportunity? I'll say it to you. Don't forget it. What I write about are real life experiences.


  First, allow me to explain what stock investment is simply. You will  take stocks in the stock company.  We can buying and selling the stock in stock market. Sometimes you can get big money by buying an interest in that stock company. On the other hand, you lose the big money. The business of stock company was on well with the result that stock of company has risen in value.  

  When stock is expensive, you must sell it. when stock is inexpensive, you must buy it. You realized a profit from the sale of our stocks. A good investor must know when to buy and sell stocks, which is not always easy to figure out. It is stock investment.

  The stock investment was influenced by the  time, season,disease, incident, nature, politics of social. Because the stock investment is what people in social do. The same is true for my opportunity in stock investment.


   First opportunity is concern with ‘time’. I bought 50 shares in the 'E-world' company on April, 2013. This stock cost is 1,010 won. The company is recreation and leisure enterprise that has larger amusement park in dea-gu. When the summer came, this stock cost rose 1,010 won to 2,895 won.  

  That's because user of the amusement park has increased rapidly due to summer vacation. At that time I sold the stocks at a treble profit.


  Second opportunity is concern with ‘disease’. For the past few months, we have been through turbulent times by 'MERSC'. Unfortunately someone made a money in the situation. 'JINWON Life Science' company is developed a vaccine. I bought 28 shares in the company on March, 2014. This stock cost is 6,490 won. When spread of the disease, stock of vaccine increased rapidly. Ultimately I sold the stocks for 19,400 won at a quadruple profit .


  The opportunity had in common. What happened in social issue, also the more people engage in the issue, the more stock value relation between issue go up in price. If you want to earn lots of money by stock investment, you should take more interest in the social issue. And we always hear advice on when to buy a stock.


  Keep in mind what I told you. There is no knowing what the future may bring forth, but we can prepare for the future. I hope this writing is of some help to you. Thank you.


- 지난 주 받은 선생님과 동료의 피드백을 통해 수정한 최종본

- 문법, 단어, 시작 할 때 2칸 띄우기, 제목의 첫 단어들은 대문자로 등 규칙에 맞게 수정 

- 부족한 내용과 설명들을 추가

2. 6주차 발표 피드백 (주제 : 휴먼라이브러리)

- 지난주 발표 자료 : http://jcjcent.tistory.com/136

- 동료 피드백 모음

"joking and suggesting! great!"

"humor is the best!"

"you just gave questions and then, there was no answer"

- 나의 부족한 영어 회화를 듣느라 고생한 동료들에게 감사의 말을 전한다.

  따뜻한 피드백을 통해 용기를 얻었다. 다음엔 더 잘해보리!

3. tone and audience awareness

We often consider the tone that we're using when we speak to others,

but we sometimes forget that our tone - our attitude towards the topic and / or reader - 

can also be pretty obvious when write

casual / formal / preachy / informative / sarcastic / serious / condescending / understanding

1) how does tone relate to "audience awareness" ?

one of the most important factors in determining the appropriate tone that 

you should use in your paper is an understanding of your audience. 

- Is your audience familiar with text / topic ?

- Are they educated ?

- What is their background ? Where are they from ? What is their political affiliation ? What do they do for a living ?

- How old are they ?

- Do they agree or disagree with your stance on the issue ?  

2) Examples of tone in persuasive writing ?

- a purposeful and fair-minded tone

- an emotionally charged tone 

- swift's unique persuasion

- the best balance


4. 주제 발표

- 할라 푸드

  관련 자료 http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/section/newsview.php?idxno=1076697 

- a niche market : LGBT tourism  

  관련 자료 http://www.newstomato.com/ReadNews.aspx?no=572913
