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교육 후기/번역

통번역 5주. 7월 20일. 한글 -> 영어. 한영번역. 사회 이슈. social issue. 통번역과정. 번역연습.인재.인재의 7가지 특성.

by 재치왕훈이 2015. 7. 23.

1. 룰

- 빨간색: 문법적으로 틀림. 괄호 안에 수정


- 파란색: 감수 과정에서 추가한 단어


- 초록색: 어색한 단어나 표현


- 주황색: 자연스럽게 잘 번역한 부분


- 가로줄: 필요 없는 단어나 문장 


- 이 블로그에서는 한글 기사 -> B 조의 번역 -> 수정본 -> 주의할 점 순서로 적었다.


2. 한영번역


1) 직장 상사가 선호하는 인재의 7가지 특성 


- The Seven Characteristics Of Supervisor Prefer Talent People


- The Seven Characteristics Supervisor Prefer


- ability 실질적으로 수행할 수 있는 능력, capability 보다 구체적이고 특정한 목적에 알맞은 능력, cpacity 기술을 개발 할 수 있는 소질





2) 커뮤니케이션 능력

   대부분의 고용주는 커뮤니케이션 능력이 있는 직원을 원한다.

   이들은 자기 생각을 말과 글로 분명히 전달한다. 상사에게 자신 있고 분명하게 생각을 전달하는 것은 직장생활에서 매우 중요하다.



- Communication skill
  Most employer want employee has communication ability.

  They communicate their thought by word and writing. It's very important that put yourself to supervisor in employment. 

- Most employers want employees who have strong communication abilities.


  They can communicate their thoughts in written or verbal forms.


  It's very important to convey your ideas clearly and confidently to your boss in the work place.






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2) 지적 능력

    지적 능력 역시 고용주가 원하는 인재의 중요한 특징이다. 최근 연구에 따르면 개인의 생산성은 지적 능력에 비례하는 것으로 나타난다.

    지적 능력은 단순히 아이큐가 높다는 것을 의미하지 않는다. 어려운 과제의 해결, 기획 능력, 여러 업무의 동시 진행 능력,

    우선순위에 따라 업무를 조정하는 능력을 모두 포함한다.


Intellectual capacity


  Intellectual capacity is also an important feature which employers want talented persons to have.

  According to resent study, personal productivity is proportional to intellectual capacity.

  Intellectual capacity doesn’t mean that just IQ is high.

  It includes all of the capacity of solving difficult problem, planning capability, multitasking ability,

  and ability of managing tasks by priority.



- Intellectual capacity is also an important quality which employers want their employees to have.

  According to a recent study, personal productivity is proportional to intellectual capacity.

  Intellectual capacity doesn’t mean a high IQ.

  It includes capacity of solving difficult tasks, planning, multitasking, and managing important tasks by priority.


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3) 진실성

   진실성은 직장과 인생에서 장기적인 성공에 큰 영향을 미친다. 진실성은 내면에서 우러나오는 것이며 깊이 뿌리내린 가치이다.

   먼저 자신에게 진실해지는 것에서 출발해 다른 사람들을 진실한 태도로 대하는 것으로 발전한다.

   진실성을 지닌 사람은 많지 않으므로 직장에서 인정받게 된다.



  Sincerity has influence on the long-term success in workplace and life.

  Sincerity is a heartfelt and deep-rooted value. After being true to oneself, it develops sincere attitudes to others.

  If people have sincerity, which is uncommon value, they would get recognition in workplace.



- Sincerity has an influence on the long-term success in workplace and life.

  Sincerity is a comes from within and deep-rooted value. After being true to yourself, it develops into sincere attitudes to others.

  If people have sincerity, which is uncommon value, they would get recognition in workplace.


- 사람이 많지 않다 = 사람이 적다.



4) 리더십

   모든 조직에는 주도권을 가지고 효율적으로 팀을 움직이는 리더가 필요하다.

   리더십이 있는 사람은 결과에 대해 책임지는 것을 두려워하지 않는다.

   또한, 변명하거나 도전을 피하려고 하지 않는다. 이들은 도전을 수용하고 오히려 이를 즐긴다.


- Leadership

  Every group needs a leader who has the initiative and effectively leads the team.

  The person who has leadership isn't afraid of taking responsibility for the result.

  Also, he doesn't make excuse or avoid challenge. He embraces the challenge and rather enjoys it.


- Every group needs a leader who has the initiative and effectively leads the team.

   Those who have leadership aren't afraid of taking responsibility for the result.

   Also, they don't make excuses or avoid challenge. They embraces the challenge and rather enjoys it.






5 ) 책임감

    대부분의 사람은 주어진 일을 그럭저럭 해내면 된다고 생각한다.

    그러나 책임감이 있는 사람은 자기 일을 완벽히 해내기 위해 그 이상의 노력을 마다하지 않는다.

    자신의 업무뿐만 아니라 상사의 관점, 고객의 입장까지 고려하며 조직에 도움이 되는 결과를 가져오기 위해 최선을 다한다.


- Responsibility

  Most people think they perform the work by some means or other.

  But reasonable people try one's level best to accomplish task.

  They make an effort to effect of organization and consider one's work as well as supervisor perspective, customer position.


- Most people think it would be enough to perform their work by some means or other.

  However responsible people do their best to accomplish their given tasks.

  They make an extra effort to deliver results that can be helpful and consider their work as well as supervisor's perspective,

  customers' position.


- 그럭저럭 하다 = 주어진 일만 하다 = given task. 동사와 명사가 겹칠 경우 서로 다른 단어를 써주는 것이 좋다.



6) 기획과 조직 능력

   직장에서는 언제나 여러 가지 일을 한꺼번에 처리하게 된다.

   자신의 업무방식을 체계화하고, 업무의 시간 계획과 마감 시간을 짜야 한다.

   체계적인 업무 계획을 가지고 있다 하더라도 책상이 지저분하면 산만하다는 인상을 줄 수 있다.


- planning ability and system ability

  People always manage to various work at once in workplace.

  They systematize one's business method and make a plan for business hours and deadline.

  Although they have a systematic business method, their desk messy make a excursively impression.


- planning ability and organizing ability

  People always manage to various work at simultaneously in workplace.

  They should organize their business method, make a plan timeline for business hours and meet the deadline.

  Although they have a systematic business plan, their messy desk may give a negative impression to their boss.





7) 자신감


자신감은 모든 분야에서 중요한 성공 요인이다. 스스로나 자신의 능력에 대해 자신감이 없다면 다른 사람들도 당신을 신뢰하지 않을 것이다. 자신감 있는 직원은 자신에 대해 강한 믿음이 있으며 문제를 해결하기 위해 열심히 노력한다. 자신감이 있는 사람은 팀을 잘 통솔하며 좋은 리더로 발전한다.



- Confidence

  Confidence is the most important key to success in all areas.

  If you will have not self-confidence and confidence of your ability, other people mistrust you.

  A self-confident employee has a good self-trust and try to solve a problem.

  A self-confident people lead a team and develop into a good leader.


- Confidence

  Confidence is the most important key to success in all areas.

  If you don't have confidence in yourself and your ability, nobody would trust you.

  Self-confident employees have self-trust and try to solve problems.

  Self-confident people(They) also lead their team and develop into a good leader.




3. 과제. 영한 번역. 4, 7, 8 my part.

Taiwan Gets Anxious As China-South Korea Trade Deal Gains Steam


Nov 11, 2014


1. After years of sizing each other up, China and South Korea are starting to strengthen their ties—and Taiwan is worried about being left out in the cold. On Monday, at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit held in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping and South Korea’s Park Geun-hye signed the outlines of a free-trade deal. A final agreement is likely to be formalized in 2015 and will require ratification by each country’s legislature.


2. Now, some in Taiwan are getting nervous about the island losing its edge. Taiwan and South Korea are both export-dependent economies which derive more than two-thirds of their gross domestic products from exports. According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, around 77% exports from Taiwan and South Korea overlap.


3. “By enlarging its pool of FTA partners, South Korea is aggressively tapping into the major markets around the world, including mainland China, U.S., and the EU, which will definitely minimize our competitiveness in the same markets,” said the ministry a statement.


4. Taiwan’s economics ministry is now aggressively sounding the warning bell. It predicts that once the China-South Korea FTA takes effect, Taiwan’s GDP and exports will likely drop by 0.5% and 1.34%, respectively. China’s imports of Taiwan-made products will also likely shrink by 2.0% to 5.4%, to be replaced by those produced in Korea, the ministry said.


5. Calling a potential China-South Korea free-trade deal the “most worrisome” factor facing Taiwan’s competitiveness, Taiwan’s government is now asking the public to embrace more trade deals with China, which are a highly contentious local topic.


6. In March, for example, tens of thousands of student protesters occupied Taiwan’s government buildings for three weeks to stall the ratification of a services trade pact between Taiwan and China. Opponents say the pact, signed in 2013, will largely benefit conglomerates while leaving the smaller players in the dust.


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7. Some people have also urged the public to accept such deals, saying time is not on Taiwan’s side.” However, others caution that too much reliance on China may hold risks for Taiwan’s politics. “We are very supportive of doing business with China and always have been. But what concerns us is Taiwan’s national security,” said Joseph Wu, the secretary-general of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party.


8. Since 2008, Taiwan has inked 21 trade deals with China, including the landmark Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in 2010 that reduced tariffs on hundreds of items. Both sides are now negotiating a pact on merchandise trade while waiting for the service agreements to be passed.




* 오늘의 단어

- proportional : 비례하는


- deliver  : 가져오다


- have only to : 주어진 일만 하다 


- sincerity : 진실성





