* 가장 힘든 방법이
가장 실력이 잘 느는 방법이라고 말씀하셨다.
그러니 견디자.
* week 2. 7월 3일
* 수업 내용
1. 룰
1) 녹음 과제
- 이메일로 받은 자료를 통역하고 녹음해서 선생님께 이메일로 보내기.
녹음은 멈췄다가 다시 하지 말고 쭈욱~밀고 나갈 것.
2) topic 발표
- 각자 맡은 주제를 수업 처음에 10분~15분 정도 분량으로 pt 발표를 실시.
- 스티브 잡스처럼 할 수 있으면 사진 한 장으로. 아니면 자료를 제시할 것. 다른 사람들의 이해를 돕기 위해.
3) 통역 실습
- 받은 자료를 돌아가면서 1인당 2~3 문장 정도 읽고 통역하기.
- 모르는 단어나 의미가 분명하지 않더라도 무조건 전진. 전진 후 수정.
- 통역한 사람에 대해 피드백 주기.
*문장구역: 문장구역은 텍스트의 의미단위를 분석하고 눈으로 읽어 내려가면서 파악된 내용을 즉각적으로 통역하는 활동.
2. 실습
1) 자료
- http://www.adb.org/news/speeches/eight-point-development-agenda-sustained-growth-asia-takehiko-nakao
2) 원문 통역. 첫번째 시간은 원문을 읽고 통역. 두번째 시간은 원문을 듣고 노트테이킹 후 통역.
Takehiko Nakao at the 5th asian development forum 타케히코 나카오 5번째 아시아 개발 포럼 연설문 I. Introduction 들어가며 Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, 친해하는 귀빈 여러분들에게 It is an honor영광 to be here to participate in this 5th Asian Development Forum. 5번째 아시아 개발 포럼에 참석하게 되어 영광입니다. I want to thank the Ministry부처 of Planning and Investment, and Minister장관 Vinh베트남, for the excellent preparations of this event. 계획 개발 부서, 베트남 장관님, 이 행사를 준비해주셔서 감사합니다. This Forum started in 2010 in Seoul, to discuss development issues among policymakers정책입안자 and other development partners관계자 in Asia. 이 포럼은 2010년 서울에서 시작하여 아시아의 정책입안자와 관계자 분들과 개발 주제에 대해서 이야기를 했습니다. Actually I was the Chairman of the Second meeting in Tokyo in 2011 when I was at the Ministry of Finance재정 in Japan. I am glad to see this important Forum gather even greater momentum. 저는 2011년 도쿄에서 열린 두 번째 모임의 의장이었습니다. 제가 일본의 재정부 장관이었을 때 말이죠. 저는 포럼이 멋지게 성장하는 모습을 볼 수 있어서 참 기쁩니다. During the past 50 years or so, Asia's remarkable 놀랄만한 economic progress has gained global admiration감탄. 지난 50여 년 동안에 이뤄낸 아시아의 경제 성장은 정말 놀랍습니다. When the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was founded in 1966, Asia was regarded as 여겨지다 a region 지역 with pervasive 만연한 poverty. 아시아 개발 은행이 설립된 1966년, 아시아는 가난히 만연한 곳으로 여겨졌습니다. The most important challenge was how to feed its vast 어마어마한 population 인구; the question was whether productivity 생산성 growth in agriculture 농업 could match population growth. 많은 사람들을 먹여 살 릴 수 있는 방법을 찾는 중요한 도전을 했습니다. 늘어나는 인구 수 만큼 농업의 생산성을 가질 수 있는지는 의문이었죠. Since then 그 이후, Asia's poverty has declined dramatically. Its share of global GDP in purchasing 구입 power parity 비율 increased from 23% in 1990 to 38% in 2013.1 그 이후 아시아의 가난 정도는 급격히 하락했습니다. 국제적 GDP 속 구매 점유율이 1990년 23%에서 2013년 38%까지 상승했습니다. ADB’s publication--Asia 2050: Realizing깨달음 the Asian Century100년--envisaged구상 중에 있는 that the Asia and Pacific 태평양 region could represent 표현하다 more than 50% of global GDP by 2050.2 This is indeed realistic, considering that Asia represents half of the world’s population. 아시아 개발은행의 출판물, 아시아 2050, ‘아시아인들의 100년의 깨달음’에서는 아시아와 태평양 지역의 국제 GDP를 2050년까지 50%로 만들 것이라고 했습니다. 세계 인구의 절반이 아시아임을 고려하면 이것은 정말 가능한 것입니다. But we also face daunting벅찬, 쉽지않은 challenges such as persistent끈질긴 poverty in a large part of the region, growing inequality불평등, climate 기후-induced natural disasters재난, and intense치열한 competition for natural resources. Some countries risk falling into the middle income trap중진국의 함정. 그러나 우리에게는 쉽지 않은 도전들이 있습니다. 거대한 지역에서 나타난 끈질긴 가난, 심해지는 불평등, 기후를 포함한 자연 재난, 천연 자원에 대한 치열한 경쟁 등. 또한 몇몇 국가들은 중진국의 함정에 빠지고 있습니다. Since I became President of ADB in April last year, I have visited about 20 of our developing member countries. 제가 지난 해 4월 아시아 개발 은행의 대표가 된 이후, 저는 20개의 개발 가맹 국가를 방문했습니다. These visits have given me hands-on 실제적인 insights 통찰 into how these countries ignite 발화 and sustain growth. Reflecting 반영하다 on these, I have come up with 제시하다 an 8-point development agenda의제. 이러한 방문은 제게 개발도상국들이 발전하고 지속적인 성장을 할 수 있는 방법에 대한 실제적인 통찰력을 주었습니다. 이러한 점들을 반영하여, 저는 8가지 주요 개발 의제를 제안합니다. Today I would like to share with you my thinking about these 8-points, what I call a "back to basics" approach. 오늘 저는 8가지 주요 개발 의제를 여러분들과 공유할 것이며, 이것을 “기본으로 돌아가자‘라고 부르겠습니다. These are: 1) security안보 and political 정치 stability안정성, 2) macroeconomic stability, 3) infrastructure 사회기반시설 investment, 4) investment in education and health, or human capital, 5) open trade and investment regimes, 6) good governance, 7) inclusiveness 포괄성 in the society, and 8) a clear and shared vision for development. 8가지는 1) 안보와 정치에 대한 안정, 2) 거시적인 경제에 대한 안정, 3) 사회기반시설 투자, 4) 교육과 건강, 인적 자본에 대한 투자, 5) 열린 무역와 투자 제도, 6) 좋은 통치, 7) 폭 넓은 사회 그리고 8) 개발을 위한 분명함과 비전에 대한 공유입니다. For low-income and lower middle-income countries, I believe it is possible to reach the upper middle-income level if these 8-points can be effectively implemented.실행 저소득 국가와 비교적 낮은 소득의 국가들이 저는 높은 소득 수준으로 도달 할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 말씀드린 8가지 주요 개발 의제들이 효과적으로 실행될 수 있다면 말이죠. For upper middle-income countries to overcome the middle-income trap, they need to boost productivity through upgrading industries and services, promoting촉진 innovation, and enhancing 높이다 human capital development. For these countries, I still think it is equally important to adhere부착되다, 충실히 지키다 to the 8-point basic agenda. 중간 소득의 함정을 극복하고 높은 소득 국가가 되기 위해서는 산업과 서비스 개선을 통해 생산성을 향상 시켜야하고, 혁신을 촉진해야하며, 인적 자본 개발 수준을 높여야 합니다. 이러한 국가들이 되기 위해서 저는 8가지 주요 의제들의 기본을 충실히 이행하는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.
II. An 8-point development agenda 8가지 개발 의제 The first of the 8 points is security(안전, 보안) and political stability안정성. Hard won gains in growth and poverty reduction감소 can be lost if security issues or political instability불안정 interfere개입. Conflict갈등 disrupts방해 development, usually hurting다치게 하다, 아프게 하다 those who can afford it least. Conversely, ending conflict can bring tremendous엄청난 progress진전. For example, since the end of civil war내전 in May 2009, Sri Lanka has been recording solid단단한 rates of growth. What is especially striking눈에 띄는 is that economic activity in the post-conflict Northern and Eastern Provinces 행정 주, 도 expanded 넓어진 almost twice as fast as in the rest of the country. The second point is macroeconomic stability, which sets the stage for~장을 마련해주다 high rates of saving and investment. No economy can prosper번영, 번성 in thec of macroeconomic volatility휘발성, 변덕스러운. As we know, the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis was a wake-up call. Policymakers across건너서 region worked to strengthen their fiscal국가 재정, monetary화폐 and financial sector policies정책. Fiscal deficits적자 are now smaller. Inflation물가 상승 is better managed. The banking sector is better capitalized and regulated통제된. In addition, regional cooperation, such as the Chiang Mai Initiative계획 Multilateralization다각화, has advanced to help build resilience회복력 to external shocks외부충격. Policymakers should continue to pay utmost attention to maintaining 유지하다 macroeconomic stability. The third point is infrastructure investment. Good quality infrastructure boosts productivity, reduces trade costs, and promotes촉진 investment from both home and abroad해외. It also provides people with access to basic services like health care and education, and to jobs and other economic opportunities. Developing Asia’s infrastructure gap 틈 is huge, with needed investments estimated at $750 billion a year through 2020, particularly for transport 수송 and power. I have noticed that the countries with a higher ratio of infrastructure investment to GDP, such as the newly industrialized economies of the 1970s and 1980s and, more recently, the People’s Republic of China, tend to enjoy higher and more sustained growth. Poor infrastructure in some other economies prevents막다, 방지하다 them from unleashing불러일으키다 their potential.
In addition, they must make more and better use of public-private partnerships.정부민간합작 Cross-border infrastructure국경을 넘는 기반 시설--ports, rails, and roads--is also important to improve connectivity between neighboring countries, and thus promote trade and growth. The benefits Viet Nam has gained from the Greater Mekong Subregion소구역 program are testament증거 to this.
The fourth point is investment in human capital, that is, education and health. The region has already achieved much. Average schooling increased from 4.2 years in 1990 to 6.6 years in 2010.3 But this remains나머지 well below아래에 the 11.5 years in high income Asian economies. In 2010, developing Asia's public spending on education was only 2.9% of GDP, compared with 5.3% in advanced economies; and health spending was just 2.4%, compared with about 8% in advanced economies.4 Much more needs to be done. Fifth, open trade and investment regimes정권, 체제 are another key driver of growth. Engagement계약, 약속 with the world economy is central to achieving high and sustained growth.
Countries should also make efforts to eliminate제거하다 red tape불필요한/관료적인, support small and medium enterprises, reform state-owned enterprises, promote competition, and improve the functioning of the financial system. n Southeast동남 Asia, the framework골조/관점 and peer주시하다 review provided by the ASEAN Economic Community will help accelerate open trade and investment across the region.
Sixth is good governance. Without good governance, people may divert전환 their energy from innovation and hard work to unproductive activities.
Speaking more broadly폭 넓은,대략 about governance, the gap between developing Asia and advanced countries remains large in terms of efficiency of public service delivery전달.
implementation. Seventh, society must be inclusive포함된 to provide people with incentives장려책 to participate in economic and social development.
In this regard, I am concerned that developing Asia's rapid economic growth has been accompanied동반하다 in recent years by rising income inequality.
This not only hampers방해 poverty reduction, but also creates social tension긴장상태 and undermines약화시키다 growth. To promote inclusiveness포괄성, we must create more quality jobs. We must target disadvantaged빈곤한/사회적혜택을 받지못한 segments of the society through better access to education and health, wider financial inclusion포함, and greater gender equality.
We can also extend넓게 만들다 the idea of inclusiveness to future generations and the global community by making environmental protection, and climate change mitigation완화 and adaptation an integral필수적인 and essential part of development policies.
These policies are crucial중대한 to sustain a country's development. Indeed, many Asian countries have already started prioritizing우선순위를 매기다 the harmonization of environment and climate with growth in their national strategies. Finally, the government must have a credible vision for a brighter future and set a strategy to achieve it. The vision and strategy should transcend초월하다 administrations관리직원들 and be shared by the people. While we know the private sector is an engined원동이 되다 for growth in any country, it is the government's responsibility책임 to set policies, prioritize우선순위 public spending and investment, and create an appropriate environment for private sector development, in line with the national strategy. The strategy should be coherent일관성있는, realistic and flexible in responding to changing circumstances상황. III. How ADB can help
Since its establishment in 1966, ADB has worked with our developing member countries.
ADB supports the 8-point basic development agenda through financing, capacity용량/수용 building, knowledge sharing, and policy dialogue대화/논의.
Our recent mid-term중도 review of Strategy 2020, ADB's long term strategic framework, was designed to address remaining남아있는 challenges
We will ensure보장하다/~하게 하다 that our financing is efficient and brings development results. ADB's direct lending is limited considering demand,
so we must combine our lending with leveraging영향력/역량 and knowledge. Since taking on the leadership of ADB,
I have focused on reforms개혁/개선 and innovation within the institution큰 기관 to better serve our client countries. I started reforming the procurement조달 and other business procedures in order to ease편의/쉬움 the burden부담 on client countries and accelerate project implementation.
I recently established a dedicated헌신적인 Public Private Partnership Office to provide transaction거래 advisory자문 services and better coordinate조직화 PPP works within ADB.
I am also working on empowering힘돋우기 our Resident Missions by providing them greater capacity수용력/용량 and mandate권한, so that they can better respond to client needs. IV. Conclusion
To conclude, as developing Asia’s transformation continues, we must all work together to sustain growth, reduce poverty and create a better quality of life for all.
I look forward to today’s discussions--with the confidence that we will better define정의하다 the steps needed to implement the 8-point development agenda I just highlighted강조하다, and other policy priorities우선 사항.
Thank you!
3) 조언들
- 목소리에 자신감이 묻어난다. 목소리는 크고 분명하게.
- 퍼포먼스는 컨디션과 관련이 깊다. 마음을 굳게 먹어야 한다.
- 내가 들은 단어는 10초 이상 가지 않는다. 의미만 남은다. 남은 의미에 한글을 입히는 것.
- 작문의 기본. 주제 문장 + 뒷받침 문장. 한 두 단어를 놓쳤다고 해서 통역을 못하는 것은 아니다. 문맥을 이해하라.
- much more needs to be done. 가야 할 길이 멉니다. 해야할 것들이 많습니다.
- PRC 중국. The People’s Republic of China. 중화인민공화국. 가난 -> 빈곤.
- 양질의 통역은 주변 사람들의 노력이 있어야 가능.
- 노트테이킹 요령. 들리는 것은 다 쓰고, 보고 해독해본다.
3. 과제
- 대체에너지 첫번째 페이지 통역, 녹음한 후 보내기.
- 과제 요령. 영어 원문을 읽고 녹음한 후, 내가 녹음한 내용을 들으면서 노트테이킹을 연습해본다.
- 원문
: PNU통역입문 - 대체에너지
Making the most of alternative energy to drive transport forward
Siim KALLAS, Vice-President of the European Commission
Ladies and gentlemen,
We all know that the world’s energy landscape and balance are changing quickly. Compared with many other countries, Europe is not blessed with abundant natural resources.
We are far from able to produce all the energy we need to cover demand.
Judging by the international oil and gas markets, we are not heading towards an age of cheap energy. But we do have a choice.
For example, we could carry on paying other countries to supply us. We already pay about €1 billion a day for oil imports, which causes a deficit in the EU’s trade balance of 2.5% of GDP. Frankly, this bill is massive and unnecessary.
Or - we can invest limited resources in our own sustainable and smart energy.
Just a few weeks ago, EU leaders agreed on the urgency of completing the internal energy market. This is how we can boost our competitiveness and respond to the challenge of high energy prices and costs.
They concluded that Europe must make better and more use of its own renewable energy sources and diversify its energy supplies. Some Member States rely on a single Russian supplier - often on a single supply route - for 80 to 100% of their gas consumption.
There are also some EU countries that are effectively an "energy island" because they do not have adequate infrastructure connections with the rest of the EU.
This is why investing in energy infrastructure, as well as innovation, was set as another EU priority.
Transport accounts for nearly a third of our final energy consumption. Roads take most of this: cars and trucks, in other words. Not only do we need to reduce the pollution they cause, we also need to reduce their consumption of oil-based fuels – and in transport generally.
For that, there has to be enough infrastructure to allow access to cleaner fuels.
This is the idea behind the Commission’s initiative to promote clean power in transport, by making sure that the right infrastructure gets built. It is our chance to create the conditions for a new market for alternative fuels to power transport.
Everyone gains – and not only consumers and the environment. It is a good commercial opportunity for EU manufacturers to lead, and raise their global competitiveness for all means of transport.
That will stimulate economic growth in Europe and create more employment. But we need to seize this chance now.
I cannot stress enough how important it is that Member States proceed quickly with approving the initiative. Time is of the essence. We have to act together, quickly - because the longer we wait, the more it will cost us in the longer term.
Experts tell me there may only be a short window of time before the competitiveness gap becomes too great for EU industry to bridge. We need to take the first steps now.
For transport as a whole, there is no “one fuel fits all” answer. Different means of travel will need different and appropriate options. Electricity, hydrogen, compressed and liquefied natural gas, liquid biofuels and synthetic fuels – we need them all.
Full-scale deployment of these fuels is held back by the high retail cost of vehicles, low consumer acceptance and a lack of infrastructure for recharging and refuelling.
Consumers will only reach this market if they can buy these vehicles economically and if there is sufficient infrastructure to allow them to run.
At the same time, manufacturers are not offering vehicles at competitive prices because there is not enough consumer demand.
And then, investors are uncertain. They do not invest in alternative fuel infrastructure because there are not - yet - enough vehicles and vessels to use it.
We can break this vicious circle by making sure the EU has at least minimum numbers of refuelling and recharging stations.
That is how demand can be kick-started. It is why I have proposed binding targets for EU countries to build the infrastructure that Europe so badly needs.
Without it, this market will never take off.
The infrastructure also has to be technically compatible everywhere. That doesn’t only mean the actual physical interface at the charging or refuelling point, where there are variations around Europe – it also means standardised ways to pay in all EU countries, for example.
To avoid having a fragmented market, a minimum number of electric charging points should be available in each EU country by 2020. Of these, at least 10% should be publicly accessible.
For hydrogen, we need a network to link existing fuelling stations and those planned along the main road corridors so hydrogen vehicles can move around the EU. These stations should also be compatible in all countries. The same goes for CNG in cars: we need minimum infrastructure with common standards.
The overall aim is to have enough charging and fuelling points so that investors and companies find it worthwhile to mass-produce vehicles at a reasonable price for a growing market where consumers have enough confidence to buy them.
And just a few words on liquefied natural gas, or LNG. This is no longer confined to pipelines but can now be supplied by tankers from global markets. We can also make more use of locally produced bio-methane.
Natural gas is probably the only globally available fuel that reasonably allows ships and waterborne transport to meet their emissions targets – and the EU’s new requirements for maximum sulphur content in marine fuels. These are 0.1% in Sulphur Emission Control Areas by 2015 and 0.5% in all EU waters by 2020.
Ships face a real challenge to get access to this fuel. The first large LNG ferry has been sailing between Turku and Stockholm since early this year. It has to be fuelled by a custom-made bunker barge in Stockholm, the first in EU shipping.
I use this example to illustrate that we do have this technology; we are already a world leader in this area. But it also illustrates how urgently Europe needs more LNG fuelling stations. This is why the Commission has proposed making them available for waterborne vessels in the EU’s major sea, river and canal ports, and for trucks along the main motorways.
Here, the idea is not for a "one size fits all" approach – each of these fuelling stations will have its own best suited local solution. It can also make sense to start locally with small and flexible infrastructure that can be expanded as demand increases.
Our proposed review of EU ports policy recognises the shift in shipping from oil products towards gas as a fuel, and the subsequent need for ports to offer significant facilities to access, store and provide gas to transport users.
I am confident that it will take less than 20 years before most ships will be able to use LNG, and also on intercontinental journeys.
Ladies and gentlemen
The greatest barrier to promoting future transport fuels is the uncertain level of demand – from manufacturers, investors and consumers. It is vital to give clear signals to all of them by creating the conditions that will end the vicious circle that I mentioned earlier.
If we are to secure an uninterrupted and affordable supply of energy, we need to make significant investments in new and intelligent infrastructure. That will be important for jobs, for sustainable growth and will enhance EU competitiveness.
It is what our long-term strategy aims to achieve, which will also have an enormous impact on the way we think of mobility in the future.
Everyone gains: European consumers, industry, business and the environment. Let us work together to ensure that our transport industry is ready for these new challenges and stays a world leader in the years and decades to come.
Thank you for your attention.