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통번역 8주. 8월 12일. TED: Jamil Jivani.How racial profiling hurts everyone, including the police. universal narrative. the narrative structure.프리젠테이션잘하는법.발표잘하는법.

by 재치왕훈이 2015. 8. 18.

* week 8. 8월 12일. 

* 수업내용

1. TED: Jamil Jivani. How racial profiling hurts everyone, including the police  



(영상을 보기 전 한정된 정보를 통해 영상 속 이야기를 상상. 영상을 보고 난 후 질문을 통해 영상 속 이야기를 얼마나 이해했는지 알아 봄)


1) Pre-video Discussion 

- racial profiling 


- cops / law enforcement 


- status quo 


- to breed distrust 


- etc  



2) Post-video Comprehension

-  what was his kook?


- what percentage of toronto is black?


- what is the purpose of the policing literacy initiative?


- how does he tie his narrative back to the hook?


- etc




2. universal narrative

- zen of present


presentation tips.pdf

the narrative structure : exposition -> complication -> climax -> resolution




*참고 자료

1) 5 Universal Factors of Great Speakers 02.pdf (첨부파일 다운)


5 Universal Factors of Great Speakers 02.pdf



2) 최고의 TED Presenters

   출처: http://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/ted-speakers-on-presenting-public-speaking.html


5 Secrets of Public Speaking From the Best TED Presenters

How can you borrow a bit of the magic that garners some TED talks millions upon millions of views? An author of a book on the subject shares some secret


1. One Big Idea / 2. It's Not About You / 3. Nail Your Opener /

4. The Catchphrase Is King / 5. Channel Your Inner Screenwriter


